OKAYA SEIRITSU ENGINEERNG CO., LTD. (hereinafter, the Company), has defined the following Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the Policy) in regards to the handling of the personal information of users during the provision of services (hereinafter, the Service) through this website.

Article 1. Personal Information

Personal information refers to personal information as defined by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. It is information on living persons that allows a specific individual to be identified (personally identifying information). Examples include name, birth date, address, phone number, and other contact information; data on appearance, voiceprint; and other information such as health insurance card numbers that can be used in isolation to identify someone.

Article 2. Method of Collecting Personal Information

The Company asks for the following information from users during user registration: name, birth date, address, phone number, email address, bank account number, credit card number, driver’s license number, etc.
The Company may also collect information from company partners (information providers, advertisers, ad distributors, etc., are hereinafter, Partners.) on transaction records and payments between users and Partners that could include the personal information of users.

Article 3. Purposes of Collecting and Using Personal Information

The purposes of collecting and using personal information are as follows.

  1. To provide and operate services
  2. To respond to user inquiries (including identify confirmation)
  3. To send emails to users on new features, updates, and campaigns regarding the services that they use and informational emails on other services offered by the Company.
  4. For notifications on maintenance and other important notifications as needed
  5. To identify and terminate the use of services by users who violate the Terms of Use or who use the service for improper or unfair purposes
  6. So that users can view, change, and delete their registration information or confirm their user status
  7. In order to invoice users for paid services
  8. Other purposes arising from the above

Article 4. Changes to the Purposes of Use

  1. The Company may change the purposes of use of personal information if the change can be reasonably considered related to the purposes of use prior to the change.
  2. After the purposes of use are changed, the Company will notify users or publicize it on the website according to the method specified by the Company.

Article 5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

  1. Except under the following conditions, the Company will not provide personal information to third parties without prior consent.
    However, this does not apply in cases provided under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other laws.

    1. When necessary to protect the life, health, or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain consent
    2. When necessary to improve public health or to promote the healthy development of a child and it is difficult to obtain consent
    3. When necessary to cooperate with a national or regional public body or party under contract with such a body so that they can carry out their legal duties and obtaining consent could prove prohibitive to the execution of such duties
    4. When the Company provides advance notification or publication of the following items and submits a notification to the Personal Information Protection Committee.
      1. That the purpose of use includes the provision to third parties
      2. The data items provided by third parties
      3. The procedure or method of provision to third parties
      4. That the termination of the provision of personal information to third parties in line with an individual’s request
      5. The method for receiving requests from individuals
  2. The previous items notwithstanding, the recipients of personal information are not considered third parties in the following cases.
    1. They are contracted to completely or partially handle personal information within the scope required to fulfill the purposes of use.
    2. Personal information is provided for business succession due to a merger or other reason
    3. Personal information is used jointly with a specific party and individuals are notified of this or given easy access to this information in advance along with the types of personal information to be jointly used, the scope of use, the purpose of use, and the name of the party responsible for managing the personal information.

Article 6. Disclosure of Personal Information

  1. If you request the disclosure of your personal information, it will be disclosed to you without delay.
    However, if any of the following apply, we may not disclose all or a part of the information. If the decision to not disclose information is made, you will be notified of that fact without delay.
    Moreover, there is a fee of 1,000 yen per personal information disclosure.

    1. It could harm the life, health, property, or other rights or interests of you or a third party
    2. It could be significantly obstructive to the regular operation of the business
    3. It violates other laws
  2. The previous item notwithstanding, the Company does not disclose information that does not constitute personal information, such as a browsing history or characteristic information.

Article 7. Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

  1. If the personal information the Company has on a user is incorrect, the user can request corrections, additions to, and deletion of the information (hereinafter, Corrections, etc.) according to procedure the Company determines.
  2. If the Company receives a request from a user in line with the previous item and the Company determines that a response to the request is necessary, the Company will make Corrections, etc., without delay.
  3. If the Company made Corrections, etc., based on the previous item or determined not to perform Corrections, etc., the user will be notified without delay.

Article 8. Termination of Use of Personal Information

  1. If a user requests the termination of use or erasure of personal information (hereinafter, Termination of Use, etc.) because the use is beyond the scope of the purposes of use or because it was obtained through improper methods, the Company will investigate as needed without delay.
  2. If the Company determines that a response to the request is necessary based on the results of the investigation in the previous item, the Company will perform the Termination of Use, etc., of the personal information without delay.
  3. If the Company performs the Termination of Use etc., based on the previous item or determined not perform the Termination of Use etc., the user will be notified without delay.
  4. The preceding two paragraphs notwithstanding, if the Termination of Use, etc. is costly or otherwise difficult to achieve or alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the user could be taken, the alternative measures will be taken.

Article 9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

  1. The information in this Policy is subject to change without notification to users except under separate provisions of the law or this Policy.
  2. Except under separate provisions, the Company considers the changed Privacy Policy to be valid from the time it is posted to the website.

Article 10. Inquiries

Contact the following if you have inquiries regarding this Policy.

1-18-1 Senjumidori-cho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo, 120-0044 Japan